Higashidori shopping street FAQs
Does Higashidori shopping street have regular holidays?
No. Higashidori does not have its own regular holiday.Holiday schedule of each shop/eatery is different, please check the details at the page of each shop.
Is there any carpark in Higashidori?
No. There is no carpark inside Higashidori.Please check out hourly carpark locations around the area before driving to here.
Where is the nearest station?
Railway, Metro and JR line can access to Higashidori.
3 mins walk from Hankyu Umeda station,
3 mins walk from Hanshin Umeda station,
3 mins walk from Metro Tanimachi line, Higashi-umeda station,
5 mins walk from Metro Midousuji line, Umeda station,
5 mins walk from JR Osaka station,
Please check out details in the Access/Area page. -
Is there any shop available to rent?
The Higashidori community and the management company runs this website do not associate with any property agencies or promote any leases. Please kindly find a proper estate agents for shop for rent.